Groove Salad
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Shmev Goldstienbergerkatz
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
About Me
- Name: Groove Salad
- Location: Town of A Rat Meat, Rattopia, United States
"I don't like talking about my flair."
Me, Me, Me.
photog sites
- Dream Theater
- Homestar Runner
- Mars Global Surveyor
- Groove in penguin form
- SAAB Suite
- Stupid Sheep (Aw.)
- Weebl & Bob
- Weather Forecast
back in the day
- tall 2 Box
- *squints*
- Peabo is gonna rock your face OFF.
- Tramampoline! Trampopoline!
- Dibs!
- The International Anti-Cat Fart Symbol.
- Heartless.
- A Lack of Color.
- Du hast mein testicle gestollen!
- The Murderer.
Give it some credit? It has ALL the credit!
And more! It can have all the candy in the world too!
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