Oh. My. GAWD.
Really, folks. WHY would a pharmaceutical company think this is funny, effective advertising for contraceptives? At first, I didn't think it was real, but apparently, it is. See, the Quizno's chain bought the rights to the spongmonkeys (later changed to spongemonkeys) from rathergood, and Quizno's let the pharmaceutical company use them for their contraceptives.

After three months of intense negotiations Bodine mysteriously persuaded Ed Gomes, head of advertising with Quiznos, to allow Protectaid to use the spongmonkeys as spokesmen for their contraceptive sponge products. “Anne made several good points and in the end, I had to let her use the spongmonkeys for her company's contraceptive,” Gomes explained, “me and the misses would probably be up to our knees in children if it wasn't for her anti-life products.”
The Spongemonkeys Contraceptive commercial will advertise just that, with lyrics like “We hate them sperm, because they impregnate you.” The commercial will feature the spongemonkeys in much the same way that the Quiznos commercial does with the two rodents bobbing up and down next to a box of the sponges. “Buy some sponges, they are good, they defy nature,” the sponges sing.
Ha, and the pharmaceutical company even spelled "fever" as "fevor"! Hahaha...
I can't believe this.
(Click the picture to read the full article.)
I hate them sperm too.
I also hate them men...
Haha - I like how you said, "I hate them sperm too," like the spongemonkeys.
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