In other news...

I am INSANE. Physics. Archaeology. Archaeological Physics? Physical Archaeology? Archaeologics? Physaeology? That's how it seems - like classes blend together. Summer school = intense.

40 pages of archaeology reading (almost) daily.
3 archaeology essays in the course of 5 weeks.
3 archaeology exams in the course of 5 weeks.

Physics homework due DAILY.
?# physics quizzes in the course of 5 weeks.
3 physics exams in the course of 5 weeks.

Groove has no brain.
No time.
Jealous of Xbox & Halo 2.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is this why you have been away from our online time together? You know I miss our 'together' time! How dare you!

8/6/05 23:33  

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