Portable [Hondata] Blanket.
I'm not dead, just working. Wait, aren't those the same?
So today's the day! THE DAY! "The day?" you say? YES! What am I getting at?! Yay-I-get-to-get-my-car-fixed-in-two-days-with-the-help-of-my-very-knowledgeable-friends-in-California, that's what! I know, I know, I already told you folks that this is happening, but I'm just SO excited! You see, the previous owner of my car never really drove it nicely and, while the car is still driveable, it has hurt its performance a lot in the long run. Noticeable problems surfaced around Christmas in 2004, so you can imagine how beside myself I am that repairs are finally happening now!
I just now realized that I paid homage to Canada Day, but not our own Independence Day - that shows you just how Ameri-can't I am. Also another little fun fact of our American ways: My university is so wonderfully willing to pay me $62.50 to buy back 15 books. Their wonderful buyback prices (per my books) range from $0.50 to $10.00 - even for some books that were NEW this spring semester (those seem to be fetching the radiant $1 price, gr).
*pick up hubcaps on the side of the road (Michael)
*label dramatic/tragic events with the word "Bopper" (Sara)
*fit four people into the back of Penny (Michael's 1989 penny-colored Toyota Camry) in laying fashion
*drive backwards from Sara's house to mine (Michael)
*stand up through Penny's sunroof while Michael drove in the neighborhood (me)
*tp Ms. Adams' house every Friday night until she threatened us to stop (all of us + others)
*go model homing (all of us)
*finish our drafting projects early and ask for a pass to the library when we'd really go to the band room (Michael, Kenna, me)
*have the only infinity pass in history! (me! Man, I was a genius.) I was Adams' designated student pass forger - she appointed me!- so kids could get to other classes after marching without being swept by hall monitors. And so naturally I made myself an infinity pass - which had the date and time as the infinity symbol so I could reuse it as I pleased, but I got her real signature! No forgery for such a golden ticket, no sir!