Peaches! Peaches! Peaches for me?!?!
I forgot peaches existed.
I bought two.
...and by it I mean, ASS.
"RETURNED FOR 12 CENTS ADDITIONAL POSTAGEIt's a card, not a gold brick.
First thing: Hell yeah!
(WARNING: The following link contains scary lingerie on men! But, hey, they make it so don't blame me for showing it to you. You click at your OWN risk, people!)
Yeah, I really don't know why I am posting. I have nothing really big to post. How about really small? Ha, the cheese!
Ok, so I read The Superficial's entry on Tom Cruise today. At first, I thought it was hilarious, but then I viewed the video of the event and found it to not really be funny. And while I do think Cruise is a bit weird lately, I do applaud him for his reaction.
Haha, CRXbot, after you mentioned it, there was NO way I was going to let the image of Kramer in the Technicolor Dream Coat go unseen* by all!
HAHAH - if you rearrange the letters of tsunami, it spells:
Ok - if you hookers have not seen The Superfical, you need to. It is one of THE funniest sites I have ever seen. Not only is the guy overtly mean regarding celebrities, but he does it in THE most hilariously sarcastic way. It's simply supoib! Here's a taste of his style:
Glamour UK reports "Britney Spears says her new single is all about having a child, but Britney says she wrote it two weeks before she discovered she was pregnant. "I wrote this song at my piano, at my house. I wrote it two weeks before I found out that I was pregnant, so it was really kind of weird, because the song's about having a baby … It's kind of like a prophecy … Everyone in general should voice their wishes more, because I think the more you throw it out to the universe, if you're in the right space and place in your life, it's weird how the universe gives it back to you.”
Someone should probably sit Britney down and explain where babies come from, cause, correct me if I’m wrong, its not from the Universe after it heard your crappy song and decided you were ready. "Prophecy" might not be the only way to predict that unprotected sex with an idiot hillbilly who is too drunk/stupid to pull out might lead to pregnancy. It's also charming that someone who has been handed millions like Britney thinks the reason the rest of us aren’t rich is because we don’t “voice our wishes more.” Jesus Christ I hate these two. I gotta get me a bear. And teach it to maul anything in sky blue Fubu and backwards Yankees hats. And then release it in Malibu. Once chunks of Kevin showed up in the bears stool, animal control might be pretty upset, but then I’d explain it was Kevin Federline and we’d all have a pretty good laugh.
I hear birds making the same chirp sound I described in this post. I'm not kidding! My mind is all DT all the time lately!
Ok, so if you're good at physics, or even have faint idea of what's going on, you need to drop me a line RIGHT NOW because I am going to fail if I don't get help.
Ok, HOW can any supposed Dream Theater fan hate the new album. If there's one thing I learned in architecture so far, it's about continuity. The latest Dream Theater album "Octavarium" exudes continuity. I mean, even at the beginning of track 2, you have a tie-in! You may not notice it if you're in your car, or busy doing things while the cd is playing, but if you put headphones on and listen at the beginning, you hear birds chirping. And if you listen even closer, at 0:06 seconds, you hear the birds chirp a rhythm that is also found in track 6 at -0:27 thru -0:25 seconds and -0:05 thru 0:00 seconds. It's like a really fast chirp/sound that then slows down like to slow-mo. At least that's how it sounds to me - the relation between the birds and the synthed sounds.
You hookers need to check out this PostSecret site. Simply wonderful. Also, I added it to the sidebar for easy access. New Secrets posted every Sunday.
i'm making noises on the phone with DooDoo and i made him laugh and he spit ham on the floor.
Oh yes. I am in LOVE with physics. I LOVE archaeology. All that schooling has just got my UNDYING LOVE.
Yaaaaaaaaaay! I got the new Dream Theater album Octavarium today! BOO-YAH!
I am INSANE. Physics. Archaeology. Archaeological Physics? Physical Archaeology? Archaeologics? Physaeology? That's how it seems - like classes blend together. Summer school = intense.
Oui, nous sommes stupides!
Jealous much?The introduction of the euro effectively achieved a single market
Uh-oh, better watch out. Next thing you know, someone will rise up to be the world's new president and enforce a world currency. Soon after, people will realize he's the Anti-Christ, but it will be too late because the rapture has happened and everyone thinks he's the new savior. Oh wait, that's the Left Behind Series. ::plug:: Seriously, you don't have to be religious to like those books, so you should check 'em out.
"Books! Check 'em out! Books! Check 'em out!"